Paying for Care
What do you pay for in a care home
There are a number of determining factors regarding how much you will pay to live in the care home, and different rules apply depending on which part of the UK you live in – including how much income and capital you have (such as savings or property ownership), and the type of care required. When paying to live in a care home, you are paying not just for care and the day-to-day costs of living in a care home, but the life-enriching experience that comes with this including the wide ranging activities and nutritionally balanced tasty meals, all delivered by our highly trained teams, with well- designed facilities that support this.
More detail is set out within the contract, which we strongly recommend you read in order to ensure you have a clear understanding of its terms and conditions before agreeing to move into the home. You can find out more about this on page 23. You may also wish to take independent legal advice before entering into the contract as we appreciate that your are entering into this – is a big decision.
How your fees are determined
The fees you pay are reflective of the costs of your care, the day‑to‑day running of the care home and the enriching life experience that comes with residing in a well-appointed The willows care home.
Your care requirements
Quality of care and facilities
Understanding your fees
Quality of care and facilities
Delivering great care and supporting residents to live a fulfilled life is of the utmost priority for our care teams at Extrafriend.
In order to deliver this
your Weekly Fee covers:
- the cost of staffing the home on a 24-hour basis
- your routine care needs
- accommodation
- facilities
- lounge and communal areas
- your room (including routine cleaning maintenance and redecoration from time-to-time as necessary)
- the provision of utility services including heat, light and water
- meals including snacks and drinks
- maintenance and upkeep of the home’s grounds and gardens
- fixtures and fittings
- bedding, towels, laundry services (excluding dry cleaning)
- liaison with relevant external agencies such as medical practitioners and district nurses
- assistance with personal care
- activities (including any routine trips out of the home)
- access to Wi-Fi
- annual testing of residents’ personal electrical equipment
- ongoing care reviews
What isn’t included in the Weekly Fee?
The Weekly Fee excludes, without limitation, the following:
- personal newspapers
- personal flowers
- smoking or vaping materials
- personal toiletries
- hairdressing
- dental care
- manicures
- beauty treatments
- podiatry care
- special outings e.g. theatre tickets
What financial support is available to me?
Local Authority Funding
- personal newspapers
- personal flowers
- smoking or vaping materials
- personal toiletries
- hairdressing
- dental care
- manicures
- beauty treatments
- podiatry care
- special outings e.g. theatre tickets
Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
Where your condition is such that you have a primary health need, you should be assessed as eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC). If you are eligible for CHC, the NHS (via the local ICB) pays a fee direct to the home which reflects what the ICB commissioner considers to be an appropriate fee for meeting your assessed needs. However, the NHS will only pay towards your assessed care needs; it will not ordinarily fund a resident’s (or their family’s) choice to live in an attractive, comfortable and well-resourced home, such as those run by Extrafriend. To live in such a home over a less well-appointed home is an individual choice – one which can be recognised as a lifestyle choice. The NHS CHC funding is therefore unlikely to cover the full Weekly Fee to reside in a Extrafriend home, nor cover the wider services, high-quality provision and life-enriching experience which are included in our fee. The difference between what the care home of your choice charges and the amount the ICB will pay, still remains payable by you as it is regarded as a non-refundable lifestyle choice to select to live in such a home. You can pay this lifestyle choice element yourself, or it can be paid by a third party, such as a member of your family
Funded Nursing Care
What happens if my circumstances change?
If there’s a change to your financial circumstances
If, as a result of you paying fees over time, your assets fall below the relevant national thresholds, then the local authority will ordinarily pay a level of fee, but, in that case, a third party could be required to supplement the fee (a “third party top-up”) if, the local authority fee is below the rate for the care home. Such a top-up will need to be agreed with the local authority. These factors clarify why, if you, or someone on your behalf, fear that your assets are declining towards the threshold, we should be informed as soon as possible to enable us to guide you. In any event, the Residential Manager should be informed at least 6 months before funds are due to fully deplete.
Funding your life in a care home
What if my money is tied up in property?
What if I don’t have evidence of two years’ funding?
Further things to consider
Will there be fee rises?
Please note, the annual fee increase is in addition to any
rises in costs due to increased care needs, which is also
explained in greater detail in the Resident Contract Terms.
Do I need to leave a deposit?
Upon admission to the home, we will collect a Refundable Deposit, equivalent to two weeks’ Weekly Fee. Full details about how this deposit is used can be found in our Resident Contract Terms The Refundable Deposit will be returned to you or your estate (minus any relevant deductions, as set out in the Resident Contract Terms with a breakdown of any such deductions (if applicable)) as soon as practicable and ordinarily within 28 days following termination of the placement and, in the event of death.
How will my fees be paid?
Fees are charged on a weekly basis and will be collected per calendar month in advance by direct debit, which must be set up on admission to the care home.
An initial payment will need to be paid in advance of you moving in to the care home and paid by BACS or card payment and will be charged pro rata from your date of
admission up until the collection of your first direct debit.
End of Life
The Resident Contract Terms
For full details on our approach to the matters outlined,
please see our Resident Contact Terms which are displayed
on our website. Please click here.
It is important that you read and understand the Resident Contact Terms before agreeing to move into one of our care homes, and you may wish to take independent legal advice before you or your representative enters into the agreement.